Welcome to the Entrepreneurial Curriculum Home Page

Use this reference image of the mHUB Startup Roadmap to find the cluster that corresponds with your learning journey 


Customer discovery is something that should be referred to early and often. This content pillar offers startups interactive courses that cover market research, sales strategy, and customer management so founders can build a clear and well research solution that addresses a specific problem

Market Discovery


3 courses

Dive into customer discovery, using quantitative and qualitative research to validate there is a market for your product and identify target customer personas 

Idea Validation


2 courses

Take a validated idea, created from customer persona and market research research, and create the initial framework of the business 

Reach your Market


3 courses

Dive deeper into ideal customer profiles and personas, how to reach them, and how to establish early adaptors

Establishing Early Pilots


2 courses

Deepen your customer discovery research by testing your product with users, incorporating feedback into prototype iteration, and setting up early pilots

Preparing to Sell


4 courses

Prepare for your product to be purchased by customers by identifying and developing successful sales channels 

Prepare for Launch


2 courses

Prepare for your product launch by creating a product pricing structure and go to market strategy

Tell the Story


4 courses

Build a story that creates strong brand identity and supports pipeline development for each sales channel


The success of a product design can be summed up in two questions: can you create a viable prototype and can you manufacture the product profitably? These questions are answered by a range of courses focused on research, prototype fabrication, and working with manufacturers

Idea Activation


4 courses

Utilize the value proposition canvas to bring an idea to life and organize the product development process by determining the need to haves and nice to haves 

Focus on Feasibility 


3 courses

Asses the validity of a design based on customer and design research, safety considerations, and machining capabilities



2 courses

Bring together all the parts for prototype fabrication

Design for Manufacturing and Assembly 


2 courses

Gain in depth knowledge in designing for assembly and iterate on prototype

Planning for Production


3 courses

Gain skills to approach and work with manufacturers and create guiding documents for executing your manufacturing strategy

Scaling Manufacturing


2 courses

Equip startups with the tools and knowledge to work with and scale operations with manufacturing partners 

Product Feasibility: Forward Thinking


3 courses

Plan for the future of your company and future product development by scaling supply chain channels and reviewing quality standards 


A successful founder needs to be able to make money from their product and scale a startup into a viable company. The business viability content pillar provides founders with fundraising fundamentals, governance guidance, and the skills to build a successful founding team

Business Basics


3 courses

Introduction to fundamental of incorporation and funding options for startups 

Legal 101


3 courses

Gain legal understanding on how to protect your business and product as you begin to bring outside expertise into the process 

Preparing for Funding


3 courses

Understand the financial preparation and due diligence required before beginning to fundraise

Building Founder Support


2 courses

Bring outside expertise into your venture 

Funding 101


5 courses

Learn about common nondilutive funding options for start ups

Equity Financing


3 courses

Understand the financial preparation and due diligence required before beginning to fundraise

Business Viability: Forward Thinking


2 courses

Consider the future of the company and gain additional business skills to support the continued growth of your company